The goal of AchieveSLP is to help those caring for individuals with communication disorders meet their own personal and professional goals all while providing exceptional care.
You will find weekly BLOG posts on a variety of useful topics. I am always open to suggestions so please, please send me an email if their is a topic you would like to discuss.
You will find links to resources for:
Scroll to the bottom on the homepage to find this icon and resources specific to therapists and other professionals.
This link also found at the bottom of the homepage will feature guest writers who are offer suggestions caring for children with special needs as well as a myriad of printables for parents and children.
This link at the bottom of the homepage will offer topics specific to adult rehab and resources for both patients and caregivers.
You may run into this picture as you explore Wherever you see this picture, I am still working on bringing you great content and resources so visit often and stayed tuned.